Plan Your Financial Future...

For. The. Here. And. Now.


We are TPAs and actuaries, doing the normal TPA and actuary services, for Profit Sharing, 401k, Defined Benefit, and Cash Balance Plans. For business owners like you. Valuations, account balances, checking input data, doing 5500 forms, all of that.

but...what do we really do for you?

You are focused on building your wealth now. For every day.

We suggest using our retirement plans will let you build far bigger wealth quicker, now, than anything else - and keep it. Enjoy your wealth every day. Not only for age 80. For now. For next year, and five years from now - thirty years will be the result of what you do today.

It's what we help you do, focus on the wealth-building. Conversation and ideas born of that conversation.

Build to $7 million. The attached statement is for a real client, but the numbers and names have been changed to protect the wealthy.

Elon Musk ($$$), Peter Thiel ($2 billion PayPal from his retirement plan), Rupert Murdock ($177 million today in his Fox retirement plan)

For. The. Here. And. Now.

About Us

Since 1995, our admin and actuarial TPA services have helped you, owners of successful businesses, most with under ten employees, often none other than owners - but a few large companies as well (usually with difficult issues needing our KPMG and actuarial experience).

For. The. Here. And. Now:

We build your wealth from age 30 on - at age 40, you care much more about your wealth now than at age 70 or 80 - your pension plan is a big part of your wealth now.

For. The. Here. And. Now.

We invite you to meet the team - click the "Team" button above. Four, perhaps five, are taking the actuarial exams and the real estate exams. Each member of the team has a strong interest in you building your wealth.

We do the TPA work to keep your plan in good shape, make suggestions to improve it for you and the employees:

but our real value is in building your wealth with ideas and suggestions.

Plans We Administer


Defined Benefit

Profit Sharing & FMP

Cash Balance

First Capital Benefit Advisors Inc is a Third Party Administrator

First Capital Benefit Advisors Inc (us) is a third party administrator (TPA), with over thirty years of experience. We provide complete administration and actuarial services for retirement plans for company sponsors: Profit Sharing, 401k, Defined Benefit, Cash Balance, Frozen Money Purchase. Our clients are sole proprietors, corporations (S corp and C corp), LLCs, LLPs.

If you have a business, we can help you.

We provide initial and ongoing plan document design, maintenance, and a library for your prior plan documents. We provide design services for your plan, and redesign when circumstances suggest. We provide plan maintenance, including annual valuations. We prepare 5500 series forms, and filing for such. We provide payout forms for ex-employees, RMD calculations, and loan documents. We prepare 1099R forms on request. We provide actuarial non-discrimination testing for combination DB/PS and CB/PS plans. We provide professional representation if you are audited by the IRS or the DOL.

We provide no investment advice. We are not affiliated with any investment organization. We are TPAs.

What we really do is to help you build your wealth.

For. The. Here. And. Now.

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